Saturday, September 1, 2007

Happy 11th Birthday Sam!

Happy Birthday to you...happy birthday to you...happy birthday to Sammy....happy birthday to you! I love you Sam!
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Seth, Sarah and the kids said...

WOW! Sam's almost as old as Grama now! hhahahahahaha!!

Seth, Sarah and the kids said...

Oh, and now "act your age, not your shoe size" doesn't apply to Sam anymore, either! :)

BJ Scott said...

What a sweet, sweet picture... it looks like you had so much fun... we have had a great time here at Brent's dad's place... I think even Jake has had an okay time... he was sure wanting to be with you though... miss you and love you. You are a great... as in super...G'ma. What fun you have with your family.... ps... it is really 6:28 not 4:28

BJ Scott said...

okay... now you will think I'm crazy... but my posts usually show 2 hrs earlier than they are... really... I'm not totally a wack job.

BJ Scott said...

What the hey... it is time for an update... even though this is one cute pic.

Natalie said...

I really like that kid right now!!! ha ha ha