Tuesday, July 24, 2007

True Love

I really have been in a blogging slump, but...I love to go to Sarah's Aunt Jan's site and get filled up. She just writes about the most inspiring things and it got me thinking about the things I am thankful for in my life and top of my list has to be this guy! We have been so busy with reunions and weddings and I have been surrounded by men and there just aren't many men like mine. I am totally predjudiced, but I have found it's true. He is everything a woman could want and I am so thankful for him. He has been the best father, husband, and friend, I could have ever wished for. Sorry girls...I got the only perfect guy!
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Seth, Sarah and the kids said...

You are always throwing that up in our faces...thanks, thanks a lot! I don't know though, I think I got a pretty good guy too! WE both got lucky, I guess!:) But seriously, Dad is the greatest EVER!!

Jan said...

Ah, Jenny -- I got a good one too! But I know yours is great -- and the reason is that I know Sarah. Love all of you because of her.

Anonymous said...

He makes a pretty awesome brother too!

Jen said...

and Uncle! Thanks, Aunt Jenny, for a post that inspires a moment to appreciate how lucky we are to have love in our lives!