Tuesday, June 26, 2007


The boys picked up Alan at the airport and met up with us girls at IKEA.
We all took a break in the office section.
This is truly an amazing store. They even have a restuarant where they serve swedish meatballs and lingonberry juice!
Alan and Phoebe share a moment!
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Seth, Sarah and the kids said...

IKEA was SO awesome!! I can't wait to get back there!! I have a shopping list ready...now all I need is a truck and a trailer!!

Unknown said...

I'm so obsessed with IKEA...I can't wait to get more stuff! Ohhhh, and don't even act like the life of a Doan isn't dramatic...and I can totally say that, cuz I am one!! :o)

Jan said...

Hi Jenny -- I"m Seth's Aunt Jan -- love your blog and love IKEA too!! What I've heard about you from Sarah is that you are wonderful and that we would be instant friends - I'm sure that's true as I sure love her!

Al said...

oh that hair, how I long for it...